Announcements for the week of  10/20/2024

Operation Christmas Child:
October is here which means we will collect a different category of items. The items are Toys. The Wow item is flashlights and batteries, and mini fishing kits. Drop your supplies in the red bins located in the Midpoint Room. To make shopping easier, go to SMCC Group Page and click on the link—
Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat: Sunday, Oct 27th @ 6:00—8:00PM
Stone’s annual Fall Festival is a safe and fun community event for all children and youth. So invite your friends and family to come and enjoy the fellowship and the fun activities. We need volunteers for decorating trunks and handing out candy! We will also need volunteers for food and drinks, a cake walk, and face painting. We need candy donations for the trunk or treat and baked goods for the cake walk. Sign up on the bulletin board for the area where you want to help.
Camp Pitt Harvest Day: Sunday, November 10th @ 5:00—7:00PM
Harvest Day at Camp Pitt is a fundraising opportunity to help in renovations and projects. Music from Cherrystone and a BBQ meal will begin at 5 p.m. The group from the church will leave at 4 pm from the church—signup on the bulletin board by Nov 3rd.
Baby Shower: Saturday, Nov 9th @ 11:00AM
Oh boy! A little pumpkin is on the way! Everyone is invited to Matt and Kaitlyn Wood’s baby shower in the fellowship hall for brunch. You can honor Baby Boy Wood with diapers, wipes, and gift cards. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the foyer or let Sandy Wood know if you can attend to be sure that there is enough food.
SMCC Packing Party: Wednesday Nov 13th @ 6:30PM
Everyone is invited to the Shoebox Packing Party in the Fellowship Hall, where we will pack as many shoeboxes as possible for Operation Christmas Child. Before we pack shoeboxes, the Wednesday Family meal will begin at 5:30 pm.
OCC Collection Week: Nov 18th—25th
Mark your calendars for collection week. We are a drop-off site for our community. We need your help collecting, organizing, and stacking the shoebox gifts and preparing them for shipment. Please sign up on the bulletin board for the date and time you would like to volunteer.
Pie Social: Wednesday, Nov 27th @ 7:00PM
The annual Thanksgiving Pie Social will be in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite pie or dessert and enjoy the fellowship.
Pastor Appreciation:
We want to show our Pastors how much we appreciate them. So, during October, there will be baskets in the Breezeway for each of our Pastors for you to leave a heartfelt card or note, a tasty snack or goodie, or a gift card. If you have any questions, please speak to a Church Elder.
Christmas Poinsettias:
Order forms for the Poinsettias are available today at the Sanctuary entrances. The deadline to place your order is Sunday, October 27th. You can order a poinsettia in memory/honor of your loved one or the desired ministry of your choice. Return your order form to Heather with your check/cash by Sunday, October 27th. You can also drop your payment and order form in the black drop-off box outside the church office door.

Heather Helton
Office Administrator
Stone Memorial Christian Church
Office (276) 647-8285
Fax (276) 647-2087
Alt. email –