Women's Sunday School
This class consists of ladies 50 years old and up to 93 years old, but anyone is welcome to come. We meet in classroom 101 located on the first floor directly off of the SMCC Midpoint Room. Our classroom is directly across from the nursery and begins at 9:00 AM each Sunday Morning. Our class uses the Standard Lesson Sunday School Material from the King James Bible. We study the Bible Lesson, learn together and fellowship and support each class member.

Willing Workers
This class is open to adult males and females, singles and couples. We study from the Standard Publishing Sunday School material and encourage group discussion on the lessons. We meet in the corner room directly off of the main auditorium entrance foyer

Son Seekers
Class meets at 9:00 AM each Sunday in classroom 203 located on the second floor of the SMCC educational building. This class includes women of all ages and we always welcome newcomers! We do various studies. Some include books with homework and videos that accompany our lesson. Our class provides a comfort zone for women, bonded friendships and prayer partners. We enjoy projects that we complete together and help others in need. Ladies, please join us as we grow in our spiritual walk.

Studying The Way
This class meets each Sunday at 9:00 AM in the basement Main Fellowship Hall. We are made up of a diverse group of singles and couples of all ages. We love sharing Jesus stories from our personal walk with Him and growing deeper in our love for Him through our Bible studies. We vary from video based lessons to verse by verse Bible studies. We'd love to grow together with you so come join us.